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Sharing the Love: oogiebear is proud to support the Greater DC Diaper Bank

Sharing the Love: oogiebear is proud to support the Greater DC Diaper Bank

It’s a sad fact anywhere, but it’s especially heartbreaking to think that in the area around the capital of the wealthiest country the world has ever known, 1 in 5 families live below the federal poverty level. Everybody knows there are lots of causes for this and well-meaning people can disagree on how best to address it but we can all agree (I hope!) that no baby should lack for basic hygiene and health supplies in the United States in 2022.

So all of us at oogiebear are proud to support an organization you should definitely know about if you don’t already: The Greater DC Diaper Bank. Serving families in DC and nearby Maryland and Virginia, the Diaper Bank provides basic baby needs (not just diapers, which are not, by the way, covered by assistance programs!) and personal hygiene products to families who need them.





Changing babies. Changing lives.

Our company was founded by a mom (me). It’s run by moms. We can’t imagine the anguish of trying to care for a baby when the most basic and essential supplies — things you need many times a day, every day — are out of reach. So we are honored to support the mission of the Greater DC Diaper Bank, and we hope you will too. Last December, we donated a large batch of chestrubs to the Diaper Bank, which we are told have been nearly all distributed by now. And for the month of February, we have been donating one oogiebear product to this life-changing organization for every item purchased on our website.


How you can help.

There are three ways you can get involved, and I hope you will:

This month is all about love. Let’s remember that while romantic love, which takes center stage this month, can change our lives, simple human love and caring for each other can change the world!


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