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5 Tips For a Stress Free Doctor Trip

5 Tips For a Stress Free Doctor Trip

Dealing with trips to the doctor takes a special kind of care and preparation in order for it to go as smoothly as possible. A doctor’s visit is almost as bad as a nightmare for some children. The main aspect to keep in mind is that your child is simply scared of something bad happening to them, so making sure to comfort and reassure them as much as possible is important. Here’s how you can enjoy a stress free trip to the doctor:


1. Make Waiting Fun

More than likely, you will end up having to wait for a certain amount of time when you get to the doctor’s office. Try to take your child’s mind off the appointment and direct it towards fun, enjoyable ideas. Make sure you have their favorite snack/drink on hand to keep them busy and full. Also, find a toy to play with, or a book to read to further take their mind off the scary stuff. Keeping your kid busy is the best remedy in the waiting room.


2. Friendly with Staff

If you want to further reassure your child that there’s nothing to worry about at the doctor’s office, try to treat all the staff members as if they’re your best friend. Your child will see that you and the staff get along great, and won’t perceive them as a threat at all.


3. Avoid Early Arrival

Although your doctor may not suggest it, you should try to get to the doctor’s office just in time for the appointment. Making your child sit in the waiting room for a while before the actual appointment will just further add to their stress and worries. The added time will allow them to continue thinking and fearing the worst is coming, which is the last thing they need during this scary experience.


4. Keep Same Doctor

Try to avoid switching doctors at all costs. Your goal should be to make your child as comfortable as possible around the doctor. Switching to a new doctor will essentially start the process all over again. Choose the right doctor that your kid won’t be nervous or scared to be around, and stick with them as long as possible.


5. Comfort Animal

Bringing your child’s favorite stuffed animal along for the trip is another way to relieve the stress. If your doctor really wants to go the extra mile, have them perform a “practice exam” on the stuffed animal first, to further ease your child’s fear. This stuffed animal will go a long way for providing comfort.


Written by Dr. Nina Farzin, Inventory of oogiebear

Nina Farzin

Nina is a wife, mother and career professional who never intended to start her own business. When her children were newborns, she ached to ease the discomfort from dry, stubborn, crusty mucus (boogers)! As a doctor, she knew there were no safe solutions on the market to help her kids, so she invented oogiebear, a revolutionary booger removal tool that helps babies breathe easier.


Nina graduated Howard University where she earned her doctorate in Pharmacy (R.Ph, Pharm.D). She is a Registered Pharmacist in Washington DC, Maryland and New York. Nina and her family are fitness enthusiasts who enjoy outdoor activities and healthy eating.


For more information, please visit


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Note: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and not to give professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor about any questions you may have regarding your child’s health and before following any of the suggestions in this post.

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